"The Humanisation of Global Politics - International Criminal Law, the Responsibility to Protect, and Drones", Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. Link to Publisher's Website.
Refereed Journal Articles
"Between (ir)responsibility and (in)appropriateness: Conceptualizing norm-related state behaviour in the Russian war against Ukraine. In Global Constitutionalism, online first, 2024 pp. 1–22. DOI: 10.1017/S2045381723000357. (co-authored with Mitja Sienknecht)
"Normenkollisionen als Erweiterung des konzeptionellen Werkzeugkastens der Normenforschung", Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 30: 2, 2023, pp. 147–59.
"Advocacy Coalition Constellations and Norm Collisions: Insights from International Drug Control, Human Trafficking, and Child Labour”, Global Society (2022), 36(1), 25-48 online first: https://doi.org/10.1080/13600826.2021.1885352 (co-authored with Anna Holzscheiter and Andrea Liese)
“Activating Norm Collisions: Interface Conflicts in International Drug Control”, Global Constitutionalism - Human Rights, Democracy and the Ruleof Law (2020), 9(2), 290–317 (co-authored with Anna Holzscheiter und Andrea Liese).
“On the Meaning of Democracy: Critique and Counter-Critique”, New Perspectives: Interdisciplinary Journal on Central & East European Politics, (2017), 25(2), 21-27 (Forum ‘On Pseudonymous Politics: Regarding Implicit and Explicit Misconceptions of Democracy’ by Peter Sloterdijk)
“Individualized and Yet Dehumanized? Targeted Killing via Drones”, contribution to a special issue titled "Game Changer? On the Epistemology, Ontology and Politics of Drones" BEHEMOTH - A Journal on Civilisation, (2015), 8(2), 128-153
“‘To prevent future Kosovos and future Rwandas.’ A critical constructivist view of the Responsibility to Protect”, International Journal of Human Rights, (2015), 19(8), 1074-1097
“Den Schleier lichten? Kritische Normenforschung, Freiheit und Gleichheit im 'Arabischen Frühling'" [Lifting the Veil? Critical Norms Research, Freedom and Equality in the Context of the ‘Arab Spring‘], Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, (2014), 21(2), 85-106 (co-authored with Maren Hofius, Jan Wilkens, and Hannes Hansen-Magnusson)
Review Essays
“The Responsibility to Protect: Words, Deeds and Humanitarian Interventions”, Journal of International Political Theory (2014), 10(3), 361-370
Contribution in Edited Volumes
"Beyond Appropriateness: A Typology of Norm-Based Behaviour in World Politics. In Phil Orchard, Antje Wiener (Eds.): Contesting the World: Norm Research in Theory and Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 131–150. (co-authored with Mitja Sienknecht)
"Zum Verhältnis von Normativität und Normalität in der Normenforschung“ (2021), in: Engelkamp, Stephan; Glaab, Katharina, und Graf, Antonia (Hrsg.) „Kritische Normenforschung in Deutschland. Neue Wege in den Internationalen Beziehungen“, Schriftenreihe Internationale Beziehungen, Baden-Baden: Nomos (co-authored with Hannes Hansen-Magnusson und Maren Hofius)
“Telling the Story of R2P: The Emplotment of R2P in the UN Security Council’s debates on Libya”, (2020): in Hunt, Charles T. und Ochard, Phil (Eds.) “The Responsibility to Protect: Consolidation and Contestation”, 69-88, co-authored with Bastian Loges)
“To prevent future Kosovos and future Rwandas.’ A critical constructivist view of the Responsibility to Protect” (2016), in Grover, Sonja (Ed.) The Responsibility to Protect, Perspectives on the Concept's Meaning, Proper Application and Value, Routledge, 76-99 [reprint from journal article]
“Plagiarimus und der Fall Guttenberg – Weit mehr als ein Kavaliersdelikt” [Plagiarism and the Case of Guttenberg - Far More than a Trivial Offence] (2015), in A. Antić, E. Hausteiner, J. Huber, S. Huhnholz, D. Jacob, A. Marciniak, C. Schmelzle, T. Thiel and M. Weisspflug (Eds.): Theorieblog Jahrbuch 2010-2015 [Theorieblog Yearbook 2010-2015], Berlin: epubli GmbH, 367-369.
“Die Responsibility to Protect und Souveränität“(2014) [The Responsibility to Protect and Sovereignty] in: Volk, Christian and Kuntz, Friederike (Eds.): Souveränität in der transnationalen Konstellation [Sovereignty in the transnational constellation], Baden-Baden, Nomos, 189-214 (in German)